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You can

Pay your pledge: Your documented pledge and commitment helps the church budget and pay for expected expenses.  This documentation, along with membership, allows your vote to count in Annual UUCBV meetings.


Add to the collection plate: The donations to the collection plate allow the church to fund unexpected expenses and to support non-profit organizations that demonstrate the principles of Unitarian Universalism. Half of your donation will be sent to a designated non-profit organization as identified by our Ministry for Social Justice and the Earth.


Add to our Change-4-Change fund: These donations are used for non-budgeted Ministry for Social Justice and the Earth expenses.  The MSJE chooses how to donate this money to immediate needs of the community, state, nation, or world (e.g., tornado or hurricane relief)


We appreciate your support of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Brazos Valley.

Donating to UUCBV

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